Thursday, January 22, 2015

Bible Study Notes

Topic: Reflecting the Character of the King

We are called to reflect the character of Christ.
               - How well is Christ reflected through your life?

We often get caught up in looking at what we lack instead of thanking God for what we have.
God doesn't give you anything what he does not want expressed in your life. If it is a weakness, he will use it for his glory. If it is your personality he will use it.

Whatever you posses you need to express.
 If it comes from God, you need to express it but there are certain things you must suppress. Don't let people who don't appreciate your gift, allow you to turn it off.
 If God puts something positive in your mind, Speak It Out!
                                 If you never take the time to commend a person for the right they do, 
                                          don't take the time to criticize them for the wrong!
Stop looking in a public place or in people for what can only come in the secret place of worship.
               - How God-focused is your worship and prayer time? 

                             The highest manifestation of character transformation is LOVE!
 You demonstrate love for other people when you carry or meet their need.

You have to form character by being responsible and consistent. BUILD CHARACTER BY THE CONSISTENCY OF WHAT YOU DO!

Character is who you are in totality. Character is the sum of 4 ingredients:
            1. Personal Identity
            2. Emotional Security
            3. Ethics and values
            4. Self Discipline
              1. Discipline is deciding what I want MOST over what I want NOW!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Reflection on Journal Entry of 2013

I need to learn to "Rise and Shine" in order to get to my goals and accomplish what I set out to do. I should wake up with a motivation to achieve something everyday. In Bishop Bronner's Sermon "Rise and Shine", he focused on how we should move on after things go wrong in our lives. We should learn from our mistakes and move forward, instead of sulking or condemning ourselves. Until you get up, you can't get our or move on! I also learned that you can't move on and grow if you keep a hold of whatever distracts you or hinders you. You'll never get what you deserve when you get attached to the things you need to let go of! I must do what I can with what I have and start where I am.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Reflection on Journal Entry of 2013

On August of 2013, Bishop Dale C. Bronner spoke on reflections of how people see themselves. He preached on change and how " conversation is the birthplace for change." This means in order to begin the process of change you must admit your flaws and be accountable. Bishop also stated that " when you change your position, you will change your perspective." Sometimes we have to change our position to get a better perspective of our situation.

One thing Bishop said that stands true to me is that "Distraction is the Destruction of your dreams in slow motion!" I have witnessed how distraction can slowly take you away from your focus and sabotage good plans no matter how big or small the distraction. Instead of chasing distraction, I should lead. A leader is someone who "goes before others go and sees before others see"

A leader is always looking ahead. "If you aim at a moving target, you have to aim ahead of the target."

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Weekly Reflection 15 Jan 4 - Jan 10

This week I made a list of spiritual, educational, physical, relationship, and financial goals. Each day I read a proverb and reflected on a past journal entry. As far as educational goals, I have made a plan to take 4 CLEP tests to earn credit for classes I didn't pass in Fall Semester of 2014. I also made a plan to complete my driver's ed course and ADAP course program, in order to get my driver's license. This week I have completed my ADAP course and earned my certificate. I haven't been to the gym like I planned to but if I stick to my goals I will be able to make time for workout. I have been more communicative with my parents and working on my attitude. 

It's Me God's Lil' Lamb!!

Hey it's God's Lil' Lamb, thanks for reading my blog, I hope you enjoy looking around and just get a word from the Lord. If you like what I write I would definitely love it if you were a follower I am so excited about spreading the Word of God on my blog with you, well enjoy!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Bible Study Notes

Topic: Reflecting the Character of the King

We are called to reflect the character of Christ.
               - How well is Christ reflected through your life?

We often get caught up in looking at what we lack instead of thanking God for what we have.
God doesn't give you anything what he does not want expressed in your life. If it is a weakness, he will use it for his glory. If it is your personality he will use it.

Whatever you posses you need to express.
 If it comes from God, you need to express it but there are certain things you must suppress. Don't let people who don't appreciate your gift, allow you to turn it off.
 If God puts something positive in your mind, Speak It Out!
                                 If you never take the time to commend a person for the right they do, 
                                          don't take the time to criticize them for the wrong!
Stop looking in a public place or in people for what can only come in the secret place of worship.
               - How God-focused is your worship and prayer time? 

                             The highest manifestation of character transformation is LOVE!
 You demonstrate love for other people when you carry or meet their need.

You have to form character by being responsible and consistent. BUILD CHARACTER BY THE CONSISTENCY OF WHAT YOU DO!

Character is who you are in totality. Character is the sum of 4 ingredients:
            1. Personal Identity
            2. Emotional Security
            3. Ethics and values
            4. Self Discipline
              1. Discipline is deciding what I want MOST over what I want NOW!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Reflection on Journal Entry of 2013

I need to learn to "Rise and Shine" in order to get to my goals and accomplish what I set out to do. I should wake up with a motivation to achieve something everyday. In Bishop Bronner's Sermon "Rise and Shine", he focused on how we should move on after things go wrong in our lives. We should learn from our mistakes and move forward, instead of sulking or condemning ourselves. Until you get up, you can't get our or move on! I also learned that you can't move on and grow if you keep a hold of whatever distracts you or hinders you. You'll never get what you deserve when you get attached to the things you need to let go of! I must do what I can with what I have and start where I am.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Reflection on Journal Entry of 2013

On August of 2013, Bishop Dale C. Bronner spoke on reflections of how people see themselves. He preached on change and how " conversation is the birthplace for change." This means in order to begin the process of change you must admit your flaws and be accountable. Bishop also stated that " when you change your position, you will change your perspective." Sometimes we have to change our position to get a better perspective of our situation.

One thing Bishop said that stands true to me is that "Distraction is the Destruction of your dreams in slow motion!" I have witnessed how distraction can slowly take you away from your focus and sabotage good plans no matter how big or small the distraction. Instead of chasing distraction, I should lead. A leader is someone who "goes before others go and sees before others see"

A leader is always looking ahead. "If you aim at a moving target, you have to aim ahead of the target."

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Weekly Reflection 15 Jan 4 - Jan 10

This week I made a list of spiritual, educational, physical, relationship, and financial goals. Each day I read a proverb and reflected on a past journal entry. As far as educational goals, I have made a plan to take 4 CLEP tests to earn credit for classes I didn't pass in Fall Semester of 2014. I also made a plan to complete my driver's ed course and ADAP course program, in order to get my driver's license. This week I have completed my ADAP course and earned my certificate. I haven't been to the gym like I planned to but if I stick to my goals I will be able to make time for workout. I have been more communicative with my parents and working on my attitude.